Hand Holding Vintage Cassette

Messages on Hold

Ditch the boring hold music. It’s time to pay attention to what your callers hear while they’re waiting.

Customers call your Business number because they’re already interested in what you offer – so what they hear when 'ON HOLD' is crucial to building trust, engaging callers, and educating customers – right at the point of sale.

Did you know that more than 70% of business calls are placed on hold?

We help businesses take control of this under-utilised channel by providing professionally recorded Messages on Hold that are carefully curated for your business.

Connect your 'Messages on Hold' Greetings & Voicemail recordings to your Business Number or Phone System — and even set a customised Call Flow using Ecorp's Analytics Platform.

Have your listeners go from on hold to sold.

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Studio Quality Recording
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Professional Voice Artists
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Professional Scripting
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Quality Background Music
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Welcome Messages
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After-Hours Messages
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Business Hours Voicemail
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After hours Voicemail
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Linked to your Phone System

Benefits of On Hold Messaging

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A better flow

A well considered and scripted IVR can improve the experience for your customers and streamline the call-taking process for your business


Increased Sales

Hold time can be used to educate customers on your range of products, services and promotions – driving sales and upgrades. We’ll show you how.


Customer Satisfaction

Being on hold can be frustrating. But with the right mix of messaging, you can maximise this experience for your customers, and turn it to everyone’s advantage.


Wise Investment

By utilising this often neglected channel, you can turn a typically mundane customer experience into a lucrative opportunity.



Having professionally recorded voiceover greetings for your callers enhance the credibility and reputation of your organisation.

Hear how your business could sound

Elevate your Professional Image

Aside from scripting and recording your Messages on Hold Greetings & Voicemail, we can help keep you connected.

Simply choose from a range of available Business numbers, set your ideal call flow using our intuitive drag & drop Flow Designer — then enjoy running your business from anywhere.

Ecorp’s Inbound numbers can be configured exactly the way you need them to, and can redirect to as many answer points as you need, at any time of the day.
Get started
A woman standing in front of a yellow and blue lighted wall.

What are Virtual Business Numbers?

1300, 1800, and 13 numbers are collectively known as “Inbound Numbers”. They are virtual business numbers that can be flexibly configured to suit your unique business process and needs.

Why do you need a Business Number?

Having a virtual business number not only enhances your business’ professional image, it gives your team the flexibility to operate from anywhere in the world.

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